Saturday 11 April 2015

Vastu Mantra

Errors in construction and non compliance of the rules relating to directions and flow of energy of the Panch Mahabhut viz earth, water, fire, air and space give rise to Vastu Dosha. Vastu Dosha can be removed by regular Japa of the Vastu Mantra. Vastu Mantra helps to get rid of these negative energies and invite auspiciousness in the premises.

Rosary to be used for Chanting Vastu Mantra
tulsi mala
Flowers to be used for Vastu Mantra
Peet pusp , Peet aasan , Peet vastra
Total Number of Recitaion/Japa for Vastu Mantra
Frequency of japa for Vastu Mantra is 54,0000 or 1,25,0000 times
Best Time or Muhurta for Chanting Vastu Mantra
Vastu santi muhurt

Deity of Vastu Mantra

The deity of Vastu Mantra is Vastu Purush or the Kaal Purush. Vastu Purush refers to the soul or energy of a place. Vastu Purush is the presiding deity of any premise. Vastu Purush lies head down in the earth in an inverted position. His feet point in the Southwest direction; while the head is in the Norteast; his left and right hands are positioned in the Southeast and Northwest directions respectively. Vastu Purush's stomach region is the abode of Brahman � the Creator of the Universe.

Benefits of Vastu Mantra

Chanting of the Vastu Mantra pacifies the malefic planets, strengthens the benefic planets, removes negative energies and brings prosperity. Vastu Mantra blesses the occupants of the place with wealth, health and peace of mind. Vastu Mantra creates an aura of peace, security and happiness in the premises. Vastu Mantra recitation protects the residential and business places from evil spirits, black magic and negative forces. Vastu Mantra has the power to remove stress and purify the environment of the premises. Mere Japa of the Vastu Mantra generates powerful and positive forces and generates an auspicious aura in sync with the energy of nature.

Vastu Vedic Mantra(Vastu Purusha Mantra)

This is known as Vastu Purusha Mantra. Recitation of Vastu Purusha Mantra brings peace and harmony in the house. Also removes Vastu Dosha.

नमस्ते वास्तु पुरुषाय भूशय्या भिरत प्रभो | मद्गृहं धन धान्यादि समृद्धं कुरु सर्वदा ||        

        Namaste Vaastu Purushaay Bhooshayyaa Bhirat Prabho | 
        Madgriham Dhan Dhaanyaadi Samriddham Kuru Sarvada ||         


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