Wednesday 8 April 2015

Katyayani Mantra

Katyayani mantra is an effective mantra for those people whose marriage is delayed due to various reasons. The Katyayani Mantra for marriage has originated from the Bhagavata Purana. 'Gopis' worshipped Maa Katyayani in order to get Lord Krishna as a husband.�Girls worship Devi Katyayani for early marriage and removal of any hurdles in love marriage.�Katyayani Mantra is very effective in removing all obstacles such as Manglik Dosha or negative influences of planets in a girl's horoscope. Katyayani Mantra is primarily used to remove obstacles in love and for a fruitful married life.

Rosary to be used for Chanting Katyayani Mantra
Lal Chandan ki mala
Flowers to be used for Katyayani Mantra
Lal pushp , Lal asan , Lal vastra
Total Number of Recitaion/Japa for Katyayani Mantra
Frequency of japa for Katyayani Mantra is 1,25,000 times
Best Time or Muhurta for Chanting Katyayani Mantra
Sukl pakch , Chandramavali , Subh Nakchatra , Subh Tithi

Deity of Katyayani Mantra

Devi Katyayani is the deity of Katyayani Mantra. Devi Katyayani is the sixth form of Nav Durga. The word 'Katyayani' literally means 'one who is able to remove rigidity and destructive ego'. Devi Katyayani governs the planet Jupiter (Guru Graha). Devi Katyayani sits on a lion; has three eyes and four arms. One hand holds a weapon, the other a lotus; the remaining two hands are for granting wishes.

Benefits of Katyayani Mantra

Katyayani Mantra is beneficial to solve the problem of delayed marriage. It is believed that Katyayani Mantra has the power to remove the Kuja or the Mangal Dosha present in the Birth Horoscope. Manglik Dosha not only delays marriage, but also creates many problems in a happy married life. Married couples too can benefit from the regular chanting of Katyayani Mantra to ensure happiness and peace in their married life and to beget a child soon. Katyayani Mantra, when recited with full faith, helps to find suitable husband for daughter's marriage. Katyayani Mantra is also very beneficial for those couples who are in love but are not able to get married due to various reasons such as parental disapproval. Women who are faci

Katyayani Mantra

        कात्यायनि महामाये महायोगिन्यधीश्वरि । नन्द गोपसुतं देविपतिं मे कुरु ते नमः ॥

                       Katyayani Mahamaye Mahayoginyadheeshwari ? 
                       Nandgopsutam Devipatim Me Kuru te Namah ??


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