Monday 6 April 2015

Saraswati Mantra

Saraswati Mantra illuminates the minds of those seeking knowledge be it related to the educational field or spiritual world. Saraswati mantra is believed to instill onfidence and imparts strong communicative skills. Saraswati Mantra also helps in developing our speech, removes Vani Dosha and helps us in making the appropriate use of our words.

Rosary to be used for Chanting Saraswati Mantra
Sphatik mala,Rudraksh mala
Flowers to be used for Saraswati Mantra
Swet pushp, Swet aasan , Swet vastra
Total Number of Recitaion/Japa for Saraswati Mantra
Frequency of japa for Saraswati Mantra is 1,25,000 times
Best Time or Muhurta for Chanting Saraswati Mantra


Deity of Saraswati Mantra

Mata Saraswati is the deity of Saraswati Mantra. Saraswati Devi is the goddess of speech, arts, music, knowledge, and mind power. Saraswati Devi is also called 'Vak Devi' the goddess of speech and sound. Saraswati Devi revealed language to man. Goddess Saraswati is depicted as a beautiful woman dressed in pure white epresenting purity; sits on a white swan symbolizing knowledge and truth, her four hands holding a veena through the strings of which flows all creativity and art form and a book symbolizing the Vedas (the original source of all nowledge); a sphatik mala representing the power of meditation and a pot of sacred water having rejuvenative and purifying powers.                    

Benefits of Saraswati Mantra

Regular chanting of Saraswati mantra improves speech, memory and concentration in studies. Saraswati mantra has the power to dispel ignorance and confusion and bestow intelligence to the chanter. Saraswati mantra makes learning easy and memory long lasting. Dedicated recitation of Saraswati Mantra can help a student pass his exams with flying colors and a job aspirant to clear his interview successfully. Even those aspiring to go in for higher studies and research work can benefit tremendously from regular Japa of Saraswati Mantra. Artists, poets, writers and public speakers can reach new heights of achievements with the help of Saraswati mantra.

Saraswati Dhyan Mantra

ॐ सरस्वती मया दृष्ट्वा, वीणा पुस्तक धारणीम् । हंस वाहिनी समायुक्ता मां विद्या दान करोतु में ॐ ।।
Om Saraswati Mayaa Drishtwa, Veena Pustak Dharnim | 
Hans Vahini Samayuktaa Maa Vidya Daan Karotu Me Om ||                              

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